The FS6 became #1 Selling Light Sport Brace within it's First Year!
The success of our flagship product, the FS6 Compression Foot Sleeve still amazes even us - and we knew it was awesome before we even released it! It's been ten months now since the FS6 became the hottest selling product in the Run Specialty Retail Market, and it's still going strong in the #1 position. Well over two million units have already been sold, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Of course, we're thrilled about this news, but we're not really surprised. You see, we originally started manufacturing the FS6 Compression Foot Sleeve because we could see an obvious need in the marketplace that simply was not being adequately filled: patients suffering from plantar fasciitis - the leading cause of chronic heel pain in the world - were dealing with hot, heavy, uncomfortable splints and braces while the power of graduated compression was being under-utilized. Our CEO, David Higgins, saw a perfect opportunity to fill that space with a new concept in medical grade compression called Compression Zone TechnologyTM Once the sleeve's efficacy was tested and proven, it was only a short time before we partnered up with Feetures - a leading supplier of high-quality socks and performance compression products for the sports market - to distribute the Feetures Plantar Fasciitis Sleeve using FS6 technology. The FS6 hit the running market like a storm, and the sales records speak for themselves at this point. But even more important to us than the record sales are the heartwarming testimonials we get nearly every day from thrilled customers whose lives have been improved by the FS6 Foot Sleeve.
Here's just one prime example from our archives:

“I just want to let you know that I’ve received the FS6 product, and have used it for about a week now, and it is truly amazing. I am running a 5K this weekend, and the FS6 will be on my feet. It is truly amazing how much better my feet feel both day and night, and even when on a run.” - Chad Cerveny